Sunday, 12 May 2013

Blair Witch S'mores

In May of 2013, an amateur 
baker disappeared in 
the woods of Ontario 
while making delicious treats for her blog.

A year later, these photos were found.

      Who doesn't love s'mores? They're the perfect treat for the beginning of the camping season. The best s'mores have a hidden dose of nostalgia sandwiched into the holy trinity of toasted marshmallow, crisp graham cracker and melted chocolate. And you'll always want some more!

Photo credits: Kelly Garsha

      The Blair Witch Project (1999) was one of the earlier entries in the now wildly popular found footage sub-genre. Three student filmmakers venture into the woods of Maryland to make a documentary about the witch who supposedly lives there. Hunger, anger, and madness soon set in as they get increasingly lost. They start to hear strange noises outside their tents at night, and then awake to find rocks, figures and bundles of sticks arranged in threatening ways, sometimes containing animal organs.

      I think your enjoyment of the film is highly dependent on your expectations coming into it, and whether or not you can convince yourself that it was actually found in the woods. I was never fooled by it, but I'm always willing to suspend my disbelief. That said, I find myself cringing more with empathy than with fear (e.g. the "map" scenes). I can only imagine how well this film must have worked on opening night in 1999, in a dark theatre full of people who were completely new to shaky-cam horror (motion sickness!) and actually believed it was real. In any case, it's an inspiring example for new filmmakers short on cash: It cost just $22,000 and made over 240 million, making it the most profitable feature film of all time.

"Mmm. Marshallows. Soft."

For more fun with marshmallows, check out Nosferatu Pfeffernüsse.

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